Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lord Send Revival

We like to talk about how many of the great revivals were started when young people repented and began to cry out to God. Let me say here that God is no respecter of persons and that He can use whoever He wills, but the age of those used has nothing to do with it at all. If the prayers of children brought about revival it was because God saw honest repentance and a humbling of their hearts. Men of God, leaders of churches, elders, deacons, or babes in Christ; if we would humble ourselves, repent and pray, the God of heaven would hear our cry and pour out His strength on our behalf. What must be exercised is humility, repentance and childlike faith. E.M. Bounds stated it this way in his work The Necessity of Prayer,

"What an era of glorious achievements would dawn for the church and the world, if only there could be reproduced a race of saints of like mighty faith, of like wonderful praying! It is not the intellectually great that the church needs; nor is it men of wealth that the times demand. It is not people of great social influence that this day requires. Above everybody and everything else, it is men of faith, men of mighty prayer, men and women after the fashion of the saints and heroes enumerated in Hebrews, who "obtained a good report through faith," that the church and the whole wide world of humanity needs."

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My purpose in this writing is to see God ever increase my vision and the vision of those my life contacts. My desire is to pass on what He has shown me. My prayer is that he would use me, not only to open blinded eyes but also lift up the heads of those consumed with the things of this world, and have them see the fields that are white unto harvest. Through these pages I hope you catch a new vision of this world, and when you do... RUN!